Monday, March 2, 2009

Ruth's Baby Shower

We had the baby shower for my sister in law Ruth.. she is having a boy this time!! and they did wanted to find out so it will not happen again.. when she was pregnant with Galilea everyone taught that she has going to have a boy, so she had everything for a boy and SURPRISE there was Galilea.. like my brother Marco's said "se comio el lonche en el camino.. osease unas tortas de huevitos..." jejejeje..anyway.. her sister Maribel did the shower and it was very nice.. I love the cupcakes.. is less mess and you do not have to be cutting the cake.. she got lots of stuff for baby Markitos III ... she is very exited and can't wait to have him... there were many pregnant ladies at the shower.. I tried to stay away form them... even on my family there will be 11 new kids this year.. there must be something on the water.. stay AWAY.. I am only drinking bottle water just in case.. LOL...well I love it that this kids will have many cousins to party with!!

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